بنیاد ملی بازیهای رایانهای برنامه کارگاههای تخصصی بازی سازی "پاسکال لوبان" استاد بین المللی بازیهای رایانهای را اعلام کرد.
به گزارش روابط عمومی بنیاد ملی بازیهای رایانهای، برنامه کلاسهای تخصصی (Master Class) در 3 بخش و هر بخش در قالب یک روز کامل به طول خواهد انجامید.
بر این اساس برنامه کلاس های تخصصی عبارتند از:
:Module 1 is made up of lectures
* Design rules for three other key dimensions of F2P design
(shop, onboarding, viralization)
* Detailed analysis of a successful F2P game
* How to control the player's progression in the game
* The differences in design between F2P targeted at casual and hardcore gamers
This one-day module is very rich in terms of content and gives students all the basics they need to know in order to understand what it takes to
.design a successful F2P game
Module 2: Workshop
Module 2 is a workshop where students, alone or in small groups and under my guidance, develop their own high concept for a freemium game.
.This module is introduced by a short lecture describing a five-steps method and a checklist to define the concept for a F2P game
:Module 3 is for existing studios
.It is made up of 1,5/2 hours long private sessions during which I assess an existing game project
and make suggestions for improvement. In order to deliver a complete and practical assessment, I use a design checklist and recommendations
template I developed. Thus, attendees leave with a clear understanding of their project's weak spots and ways to improve them. In a day, I can
.review up to 5 projects
بر این اساس از پاسکال لوبان (Pascal Luban ) به منظور برگزاری کلاس های تخصصی (Master Classs) در ایران دعوت شده است.